Health and Safety -


This document contains the Health and Safety Policy and General Statement of Intent of DIRECT SEALANTS LIMITED (the Company) and it is our policy to adhere to the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and all supporting Legislation, Regulations and approved codes of practice – (ACOPS).

The Company acknowledges it has statutory duties and Mr Michael Seber has the functional responsibility for both the implementation and day to day management of this policy and its safety arrangements.

General Statement

It is Company policy to operate and perform work in the safest practicable manner, consistent with legislation and good practice, whenever and wherever possible.  The Directors are to ensure the health and safety of employees and all those likely to be affected by our operations and adequate resources will be made available so as the policy can be effectively implemented.

The Company will develop and provide safe systems of work and do everything reasonably practicable to prevent injury and ill health through the identification of hazards and in the adequate control of significant risk.  Although a small company we will consult with employees over all matters relating to their safety and health.  We will encourage each employee to exercise personal responsibility for their own safety and co-operate with the Company in matters of health, safety and welfare.

The Company will provide and maintain safe plant and equipment and ensure the safe handling, use, storage and disposal of hazardous substances.  The Company also will provide the necessary information, instruction, supervision and where (as a result of risk assessment or mandatory requirement) appropriate training to ensure the competence for health and safety of all employees and contractors.

Employees are required to read the obligations placed upon them by this policy and escalate any issues to the Director they are unsure about.

This policy will be reviewed and revised annually to take account of legislation or organisational change and all such changes will be communicated to employees.

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