Our Environmental Policy
Direct Sealants Ltd is totally committed to the continuous improvement of environmental policy, putting into practice the ideas and strategic principles set out in this statement will require co-ordination, co-operation and consultation between all parties to achieve sustainable objectives
Environmental Management is a corner stone of Direct Sealants Ltd’s Company Policy. The achievement of effective policies and the provision of a level of quality and service for the benefit of our clients, employees and the wider community will require commitment from all, working in partnership, to ensure the implementation of a Structured Environmental Procedure.
A Structured Environmental Procedure will ensure policies compliment each other and make a positive contribution towards the Plan’s underlying strategy and objectives. During continuous appraisal, we take account of both the environmental implications of adopting certain policies, and the extent to which important overall economic and social priorities are achieved.
Areas under consideration at present include the following:-
- Reducing or minimising the demand for non-renewable resources
- Reducing waste and pollution
- Protection of critical environmental assets
- Enhancing environmental quality
- Improving health, education, safety and training
- Transportation of materials/service
While policy areas are being appraised as part of the process, we will address various issues of:-
- Effectiveness
- Consistency/Compatibility
- Impact
Continuous appraisal of policies will enable identification of possible adverse environmental effects.
Whilst Direct Sealants Ltd adopts a Structured Environmental Procedure, we will maintain the highest environmental standards in the following activities.
As a contractor, Direct Sealants Ltd will:-
- Use environmentally considerate methods and materials, wherever possible, to fulfil its contractual obligations
- Seek to influence clients and designers in areas where design specifications may be improved and less harmful to the environment
As an employer, Direct Sealants Ltd will:-
- Consistently increase the environmental awareness of all its employees and subcontractors with the aim of reserving and, if possible, enhancing the environment in its widest sense.